Moving-Hologram Series -
My moving holograms are inspired in the Whipala colors and in interaction with my paintings as you can observe at the end of this page.
The exhibition Objets de Lumière at the Kunstraum Reuter in Berlin in 2023 presented a new perspective of projection on a 3D semi transparent screen.
Falling for Peace is the first installation produced with actors and dancers in 2022 You can view the moving hologram entering the password- 2022.
Falling for Peace is a moving hologram masterpiece video that combines diving, water dance and music showing the power of the law of gravity, the grace of falling and the beauty of the virtues of water, peace and tranquility.
Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2019 my moving holograms have been exhibited in many windows and vitrines of different galleries and art spaces in Berlin.
It has been a difficult time for my artistic work, but the idea of using glass as projection surface to built moving holograms has open a new presentation solution for my work. Nevertheless the continuation of my artistic research is following this year with more hope not to be interrupted by another lockdown or any international conflict
This experience has led me to look for new transparent presentation forms of my work, creating new moving hologram sculptures.
This year I plan to find new aesthetic solutions and experimenting with different materials.
In 2022 my work was presented by the Projektfabrick Wedding (April) in Berlin and it will be shown in the gallery 35blumen in Krefeld from 7.10.-30.10. 2022.
Following moving hologram tubes draft is an example of this research started in 2022:
Moving Hologram Installations Drafts-
Performance in a Moving a Hologram
Also the body needs to be in harmony with the holographic environment when it comes to motion.
Some elements of new sculptures and aesthetic solutions with abstract images pointing to new forms of linear perspective. 2021/ 2022
Following acrylic paintings on cardboard or canvas in different formats are part of a film and video animation created with an emphasis on perspective to built more geometrical abstract holographic space in my new series of moving holograms.
Drafts for new Moving-Hologram Series -
Looking for new aesthetis solutions and presentations forms I started combining moving holograms with performance art. One good example is following draft where water and the holofeedback frequencies condence through aquatic dance in an abstract moving shadow hologram space. 2022
"Sculptures of Holographic Twilight Structurs"
The following video and pictures are example for drafts of Ricardo Peredos' project made in 2020/21,
for his series of 3D moving-holograms created by combining LED holofeedback light and abstract paintings.
Abstract Structures-
This series of paintings is based on the fundamentals of abstract painting and emphasizes format,
line, form and perspective to complement and expand traditional abstract painting.
The expansion of abstract painting in combination with other media creates depth, space and perspective
in the design of a whole new series of light installations and gives Ricardo's new series of movingholograms
a whole new tonality of color.
These drafts are not only based on the fundamentals of abstract painting and emphasize format, line, form
and perspective to complement and expand traditional abstract painting but they give movingholograms
a different color tonality.